Starting Where You left off?

Well it’s the start of a new year.
I’m not going to say ‘New Year – New Me’, because infact I’m just carrying on where I left off albeit with new goals and targets.
This year is going to be a big one for us both.
To give you a brief insight we have the following coming up:-

1) JAN – Bath Skyline 10k
2) FEB – Lanzarote
3) FEB – Bath Skyline 10k
4) APR – London Marathon
5) JUNE – Around The World Trip
6) OCT – Bristol To Bath Marathon


In terms of keeping our fitness to cope with the adventures this year holds, we’ve really looked at it from another angle.

We both had Gym memberships for the last 3-4 years and recently looked at exactly what it was we did at the gym and what our goals were. We are both mainly runners and do a lot of home workouts to supplement this.
In order to up distance and intensity of running we needed to push our endurance levels and saw a way of doing this would be to cancel our gym memberships in Winter and get out in all weathers and log some miles.
This has set us in good stead.
We’ve embraced the all weather running which wasn’t too difficult as we are all weather adventurers anyway. So far this year combined we have put in 50+ miles and coupled this with core workouts, upper body and leg exercises.
This by all means ISN’T a new us. This is us taking off where 2014 had left us and pushing things further.


We’ll be tackling our next 10k race with full steam ahead and then taking a well earned adventure break to Lanzarote in February. (I’ve googled running races in Lanza – There aren’t any in Feb! )

We’re well equipped for our around the world expedition….. Christmas saw to that and we’re full of excitement for our Marathons.

Food wise we’ve expanded on our fresh food eating and started making a lot more homemade snacks and of course we’re both on the dryathlon wagon 😉

Set a goal and chase it. Whether at work, fitness, love, or personal. Without a goal there’s no need to chase.


One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.


14 thoughts on “Starting Where You left off?

  1. Awesome – and really inspired by the two of you. We’re trundling with G cycling and my beach runs supplemented by extreme gardening of our steep rocky garden and the ultimate challenge – conquering the couch grass on our newly-acquired allotment; just about ready for planting if we can summon up up bit more energy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks like you have a big year ahead!! I’m always wondering when I see other runner blogs, in terms of nutrition while you’re getting stronger, what do you guys eat? I mean what would be one food that you think is absolutely essential in helping you stay strong with all of this working out… I am pretty busy and do eat really really well, but I always feel like something might be missing…

    Liked by 1 person

      • I am a runner.. I’ve done two half marathons, a few 5k’s and 10k’s and wanted to do a full marathon last September, but my knees were giving me trouble and I really couldn’t get as many miles under my belt as I wanted. The max I got to was 17. I think I was trying to add too many at once. But anyways, I’m also really trying to do more all over strength workouts as well as running, just to make sure I can go the distance for a marathon I want to do later this year.


  3. Wow well done on the runs. Thats amazing. Also totally understand the knees. Due to all of my (sam) running since i was 9 ive had to have a knee op and ive tore some cartilage again but its manageable for me. (Dont be put off 😂) !! In terms of food to help. We eat a lot of Turkey. Infact we no longer eat red meats but thats more a choice rather than a health reason. Turkey is lean and full of good protein. Wholegrains are also good and plenty of fish although Emma is allergic to fish so i eat it all haha. It might be a good idea to take a small backpack that clips round the front on your runs. Take energy gels, some water with maybe an energy powder in it. You can substitute turkey for most meats in most meals. Its a great meat. Beetroot juice is also good. It releases nitrates that can give an extended cardio output. Listen to your body and what works for it, you’ll feel it if it’s not right. Apart from that just train train train. All weathers just get out if you can. Running is 70% a mental strength journey. Im not the best runner in the world but ive ran marathons, ultra marathons and done ironman and other triathlons. Emma is a running and strength enthusiast aswell so if we can help any other way then please give us a shout. Were on instagram too if you want to keep in touch there @emmajaynehurst and @sam_the_obscure ! GOOD LUCK WITH THE TRAINING!!! 👍💪


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